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Fake online reviews

Fake online reviews

National Trading Standards (NTS) are warning the public that criminals are using fake online reviews to sell poor quality goods and services.
It has become a common practice for a lot of people to seek reviews prior to making a purchase, but how do we know whether the reviews we read are genuine?
The following guidance is from NTS:
• Timing and spacing – check for multiple similar reviews that have been uploaded within a few minutes or hours.
• Check the reviewer’s activity – if an account has been activated recently or has only reviewed a narrow range of products/services, it could indicate suspicious activity.
• Vague language – legitimate reviews will often be personal and specific to the individual’s experience. A fake is more likely to be vague, using generic words and phrases such as ‘amazing’, ‘awesome’ and ‘buy this product’.
• Check contact details – if a reviewer is happy to be contacted with questions, and is responsive, it’s a good sign they’re legitimate.
• Use a browser plug-in – they use artificial intelligence to analyse reviews, identify suspicious activity and suggest better alternatives. Examples are Fakespot and ReviewMeta.
• Look beyond the star rating – whilst a star rating of 4.5 or 5 can be a good quality indicator, be sure to look at the reviews too.
For further information and advice visit Online shoppers buy 80 million ‘disappointing’ items based on rave reviews – National Trading Standards


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