1st Choice Marketing is a Digital Marketing Agency based in Essex providing search engine optimisation, website design, social media marketing and online search marketing to small and medium-sized businesses.
Rochford Scrap is a breaker yard based in Essex. Rochford Scrap provides Roro bins, vehicle demolition and clearance and low loader services with complete weighbridge facilities services.
Kingdom Keys is a Bible teaching organisation delivering discipleship training courses and seminars, mainly in East London, Essex, and surroundings.
English Heritage Artist is a website exhibiting drawings and watercolour paintings of some of England’s most famous preserved historic buildings by John Bangay.
Willow Garden Takeaway was completed in 2018. It was never launched. The business was sold in 2019.
First published in 2009. It was active for several years.
The website was first launched in 2008. It has been revamped and updated since 2014.
Teen Challenge Rehabilitation Centre. The website was converted from html to CSS using an open-source content management system in 2007.