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Digital Ad Certificate in Digital Marketing

Digital Ad Certificate in Digital Marketing

Digital Ad Certiificate

Digital Ad Expert in Digital Marketing is a three months part-time course by Aleph. Digital Marketing is a step-by-step approach to marketing strategy, giving the student the tools to create a precise and successful online marketing campaign. Live classes were held twice a week, and each class lasted 2 hours. 

I gained knowledge about every aspect of digital marketing, from its fundamentals to its formal terms, applications, and techniques. The course includes all current data on digital realities to aid in the development of an awareness of the significance of social media in the modern world. I gained knowledge about how this material is consumed and how it affects society, people, brands, and businesses.

The programme covered how to implement a marketing plan with a specific goal. A major goal is to comprehend the range of available marketing objectives. In order to achieve this, we learned to thoroughly understand the company we want to promote in order to decide on the right audience to communicate with and the most effective method.
